
    MachiNet Mailserver is based on large scale used technologies for mail servers: postfix, dovecot and openldap.
    That ensure a solid and mature base for the classical e-mail system and for all add-ons.

      The idea behind the product is to store all personal data as special e-mail folders , using the IMAP annotation feature. This was developed by Kolab project as OpenSource software and we had also various contributions to their libraries during the time.

    This approach permit us to provide perfect compatibility with the existing e-mail clients like Outlook or Thunderbird but allow us to extend the feature to any data type we can imagine.
       Current feature set provide:

    - Personal Address Book . The address book is available from web interface or via ActiveSync protocol on smartphones, tablets and other portable devices. The protocol is also implemented for MS Outlook
    - Calendar.  You can keep personal calendars or share them with your team.
    - Task. You can keep tracking of simple tasks or share them with the colleagues.
    - Notes. You can use your smartphone for fast notes synchronized with the server
    - Files. You can synchronize your files on the server or interface the mail system with a more complex cloud service like nextCloud and owncloud. Currently Nextcloud is used in our new deployments.
    - ActiveSync access. Machinet Mailserver provide ActiveSync access not only to your e-mails but also to all available data in your inbox, like Contacts, Calendar and Notes.
    - Chat. MachiNet Mailserver can integrate Openfire jabber server to provide instant messaging using fat clients like Pidgin, Jitsi, Spark and more or using the webmail interface.
    - Management interface. We develop McConsolette administrator interface in order to allow to local admins to add/delete new e-mail domains, users or groups with no need of linux administration knownledge.

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